
ProductLife Group, a global pharmaceutical consulting company, based in France, approached Green Olive Marketing (GOM) to help solve a problem many companies find familiar – fixing the gap in communication between sales and marketing.


ProductLife Group had limited marketing resources and lacked cohesiveness between their sales and marketing departments. With offices all over the world, it was vital that they found an agency that could help them work as if they were all in one office. By implementing a lead management strategy, and configuring their (SFDC), marketing leads could be automated to sales and communication could become seamless.

Since 2013, Green Olive Marketing has:

Performed a marketing automation vendor selection, which resulted in Marketo being the recommended system for creating lead nurturing email campaigns and managing the marketing database.

  • Developed a lead management system that included a lead scoring model to ensure sales only received leads that were ready to be contacted.
  • Configured SFDC and connected it with Marketo to automate the new lead management system.
  • Trained the sales team at ProductLife Group on the process within SFDC and provided ongoing support for questions and assistance.
  • Created the email nurture programs in Marketo and assisted in the content strategy for the campaigns.
  • Wrote the emails for the nurture campaigns and achieved consistent click-through rates of 30%, which is approximately 15% above industry average.
  • Maintained social media accounts.
  • Managed the vendor relationship with SFDC and Marketo as well as pay-per-click programs through Google.
  • Implemented a process for capturing leads at tradeshows and ensuring they enter SFDC promptly post-show.

Four years later, GOM continues to support ProductLife Group as an extension of their marketing team. The cohesiveness that was missing between sales and marketing is now at 100% with the teams working closely and communicating efficiently directly through SFDC. The benefits showed themselves quickly by positively impacting company profits.